One Room Challenge – Week 2

Black and white nursery design

After taking  inspiration from some of the gorgeous images in our week 1 post, this is the mood board that came about.  Though it may look a little LOT bananas all squished together on one little square like this, once it is all spread out in the Butter Bear’s room, it shall be black and white big boy heaven. We’re a little behind, so it’s time to get our plan firmly in place, and this upcoming week we will start getting down to business.

1. Paint – White, white, and more white. Enchanted kingdom be gone! Right now I’m thinking Sherwin Williams Pure White in eggshell.

2.  Chalkboard paint – cover the tallest wall in the room (above the crib) with black chalkboard. The ceilings are 11 feet tall, so I’m looking forward to it being an ever-changing canvas of creativity. Mostly for Htown and myself.

3. Ceiling – after crushing on the nursery in our week 1 post, I decided Butter’s ceiling needs to have a HUGE impact. Considering using these same triangle decals (pictured above).

4. Light fixture – I really, really wanted this atom chandy, but the reviews were awful. Like this thing breaks when you change the light bulbs awful. Looking for something else that might be equally as fun, and not a million dollars

5. Big boy bedding – new pillowcase, quilt, and sheets

6.  Book shelves – in nook behind door all the way up to the ceiling.  Hooks at the bottom for hats or jackets.

7.  Teepee – So I really want one, but these bad boys are expensive. Then I discovered the magic of Tip Top Teepee Shop. If you purchase one of their teepees, and have them professionally photographed in your adorable space, they will credit your purchase in return for using the photos on your website. Yessss.

8. New pillow/throw for chair – would love to pull in some of my faves from Jonathan Adler. This pillow is a must, and this throw might be perfection too.

9. New hardware on dresser – perhaps a simple stainless knob for a more grown up boy

10. New rug – something inexpensive that I won’t cry about when potty training happens…like…on it. This bad boy from ikea is first on the list.

Lots of ordering and prep work to do! By the time I check in with you next week, hopefully much more of this will be underway. Stay tuned! And be sure to check out all of the other participants week 2 updates at Calling it Home!

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One Room Challenge – Week 1

8564e2c91eaea851f54e171d74194756So I clearly must be out of my mind, but as my first “blog project,” I’ve decided to throw myself in to the One Room Challenge hosted by the lovelies at Calling it home. The goal of the One Room Challenge is to makeover 1 room in six weeks, while documenting the good, bad and ugly along the way. I first found out about ORC the day before it started, so I can tell you with 100% confidence that I will be flying by the seat of my pants on this wild ride.

When figuring out which room to conquer…and there are soooo many that need work….I wanted to go with one that would have the most dramatic result.  The choice was obvious: Butter’s room. Butters (the vivacious 2 year old that lives at our house) sleeps in an acid trip wonderland of a room that we’ve been wanting to paint since we moved in. To be honest, part of me felt really guilty painting over it when we first moved in. Somebody clearly spend a lot of time creating this masterpiece.  However, it’s been over a year since we moved, and it’s time.  See for yourself:



As I’m sure you can tell, these photos weren’t all taken at the same time, but at least it gives you an idea of the space.

Here is our client for this project.  He is very particular, has strong opinions, and his tastes change almost hourly. This one might be a challenge.10661170_791178700949622_1578935378_n

I’ve started gathering inspiration for this spankin’ new room here are a few favorites.


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Welcome to Manor


Boy does this feel good. I mean really, really good.  The Manor doors opened a little over a month ago, and we have finally reached a point where it’s time for our blog to follow suit. In other words, after a very long hiatus, I am getting back to my roots.  My blogging roots.

When Manor was just a teensy tiny flicker of an idea in my brain, there was one thing I knew for sure. This website would have a blog.  Not a boring, “here’s what we sell” blog, but something real. I knew that the only way this blog could be successful, is if I let you take a peek into my own Manor, and let you share yours with us.  It brings me so much joy when I discover new, unique, and pretty things that make people’s faces light up. We hope that both our shop, and our blog can bring a little sunshine to your world.  After all, very little is needed.  Just a little bit of sparkle.

Thanks for coming along for the ride.



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